Privacy Policy


Your Privacy is Very Important To Us. Ittzy takes User privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy outlines Ittzy privacy practices, how we collect, use and disclose information from and about you when you use the ittzy.com services, including the ittzy.com mobile apps and ittzy.com website (collectively, the "Services"). We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy whenever you access the Services to stay informed about our information practices and the choices available to you. Please read this document in its entirety.


What Information ittzy.com collects:

Information provided by you and your location

Information when you use our services.

Information from third parties.



Information provided by you and your location.. When you visit Ittzy, we may collect and store general  information about which pages you access, your general geographic location, the device you are using, your IP address, and the addresses of websites that refer you to the Site. We also store your email address and UserID that you choose when you register for an account. We may also request additional information from you that will be publicly visible on our services, such as a profile picture. Other services, such as commerce products, may require you to submit a debit or credit card number and its associated account information.

We may use this information to protect Ittzy and its users from spam, viruses, identity theft, illegal or harmful activities, as well as to help us develop and improve the Site's features and services. We may create anonymous records by excluding personally identifiable information (such as your name) from records.

You also understand that by accessing or using the Services, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your aggregate data as set forth in our Privacy Policy; and to have your personally identifiable information collected, used, disclosed, transferred and processed as set forth in our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated by reference herein.



Information we get from third parties. Ittzy collects and aggregates general information about anonymous user behaviour using tools and third-party services. These tools and services may use this information to evaluate your use of the site, compile site activity reports for us, and provide other services related to site activity and internet usage. These tools and services may also disclose this information to third parties if required by law, or where such additional parties process the information on the tool’s or third party service’s behalf. These tools or third-party services collect data in such a way that neither Ittzy nor the tools and services can easily trace saved information back to any individual user.

Please be aware that there may be other services that you are using, that are not controlled by Ittzy, (including Google, Google Chrome Web Browser, Bing, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Android Operating System, and YouTube) that may continue to send information to third party service providers when you use the Site.

We may share your information, including personal information, with third parties under several circumstances, including (1) if you permit us to do so (2) if we believe that we need to do so to comply with applicable law or legal obligations (3) if we contract with a third party service provider to offer services for you.

We will do everything possible to resist baseless legal requests to access information. We may, however, disclose your information or content to comply with a law, regulation, legal process, governmental request, or governmental order. Ittzy’s policy is to notify you in advance if we intend to release your information, unless by law we are prohibited from or advised against doing so. We may disclose your information without notifying you if we believe that doing so will prevent serious harm to Ittzy, its Users, you, or anyone else. Finally, we may disclose your information if we believe it is necessary to detect, prevent, or otherwise address Ittzy safety, fraud, or security concerns.


Email Communications. From time to time we may email, message or notify you information about Ittzy that we believe is necessary. By opening or maintaining an account with Ittzy, you agree to receive administrative emails as part of your basic service. You will also receive notification on Ittzy on what we think may be of interest to you. 

Anyone who contacts you and asks for your Ittzy password, is most likely trying to scam you. Ittzy will never do this, over phone, via email, or by any other means. Our advice is: NEVER RESPOND to them, and NEVER open any attachments they have sent.  NEVER provide your details via any website linked in the email. And do notify us about it so that, once verified we can take appropriate action to block or disable such "phishing" emails, websites or other scams.



Information we get when you use our services

Cookies. Ittzy uses cookies to enable our servers to recognize your web browser and tell us how and when you use the Site. A cookie is a small amount of information that is stored in your web browser, which may contain information about you and how you use the internet and services like the Site. The cookies enable us to identify our users, provide automatic login, and personalize your Ittzy experience. We may also use cookies embedded in emails to determine whether or not you read the mails sent to you.

You can disable cookies in your web browser, but doing so may cause the Site to malfunction and, in some cases, prevent you from logging in at all. Many other third-party services and websites may also store cookies in your browser. Our privacy policy only applies to Ittzy cookies, not third-party cookies.


Ittzy is a Public Network. This Site is a platform built for posting and sharing content publicly. Anything you post or upload on the Site will be accessible to the public. Search engines will be able to see the content you post. Keep in mind that whatever content you post may be copied, shared, or re-posted on the Site and elsewhere on the internet in ways that neither you nor we can control.

A few simple steps is all you need, to delete posted content from your personal account, and also to delete your account altogether. However, we may store backups of your content on our servers, even after it is deleted or after you delete your account. Furthermore, deleting your account or specific content doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been copied or shared on the Site, or other parts of the internet by people or services unrelated to the Site. We strongly advise to keep this in mind when deciding what to post and what not to post on the Site (or anywhere on the Internet, for that matter). 

So, the same common sense that applies to the internet at large applies to Ittzy as well: Don’t send images or share content that you wouldn’t want someone to save or share.Please post responsibly!



Data Storage and Deletion of Accounts and Data. Ittzy cares about the integrity and security of your personal information. We use industry-standard security technologies, encryption protocols and safeguard procedures designed to help protect your personal information and payment card data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

However, sometimes we cannot fully eliminate security risks associated with information by unauthorised third parties. You acknowledge that you provide your personal information at your own risk. You can access or change your personal profile and contact information or delete your account through your Ittzy page. If you choose to delete or deactivate your account, you can no longer retrieve your content or reactivate your account, and we cannot do so for you. Also, your username may become available for use by another person. 

Ittzy data is stored on servers run by authorised affiliates and service providers. Even after you delete your account, we or the authorised affiliate and/or service provider we work with to store data may keep backups of Ittzy’s data and code, which may or may not include posts and other information that you put on the Site. As a result, even if you delete your account, your data may remain in stored backups, although it will no longer be visible or publicly accessible on the Site.


Children Policy. Though the Site is intended for the general public, it is not meant for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If you become aware that a child under the age of 13 is using the Site, or has posted personal information about themselves on the Site, please contact us so that we can work to remove both the information and the child’s Ittzy account.

Worldwide Users. You acknowledge and agree that ittzy.com’s servers and operations are based in India and other countries. As a result, regardless of where you live, your content is transferred to and stored across countries, and you hereby consent to such transfer, processing, and storage. The privacy protections and the rights of authorities to access your personal information in such countries may not be equivalent to those of your home country. Therefore, you are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations applicable to your use of the Services.


Changes to the Ittzy Privacy Policy. Ittzy may update this policy from time to time. If we make significant changes, we will notify you by sending a notice to the email address associated with your ittzy.com account, or by placing a notice in a prominent place on our website that will indicate when the change will be effective. If you do not agree with the upcoming change, please delete your account. If you continue to use the Site after the stated effective date, you will be deemed to have accepted the change.


You can also always find the most current version of this policy on our website.

Contact Information

We welcome your comments or questions regarding this Privacy Policy. Please contact us via Ittzy email.

Please go through our Terms of Use and Community Guidelines also.




Ittzy's mission is to provide every community with the best experience possible, as well as the right to feel safe and comfortable as they make use of our platform. In order to maintain a welcoming environment for all Users, these Community Guidelines are here to help you understand what it means to be a member of, and outlines what we do and don’t allow on Ittzy. Your use of Ittzy is subject to these Community Guidelines and our Terms of Service. So, if you come across any content that shouldn’t be on Ittzy, do reportit to us.




Be Respectful.


  • Be courteous and respectful when interacting with other members. As a global community of culturally diverse people, it is all too easy to miscommunicate online and inadvertently offend others; some may not think what you think, believe what you believe, or see what you see. So, always stay within the highest standards of civility and decorum.


Uploading content 


  • Respect others’ copyright.Don'tinfringe on anyone's intellectual property, privacy or other rights. Don’t do anything or post any content that violates laws or regulations including stealing photos or videos that other people have shared, and pass them off as your own.


Moderate your content.


  • Ensure all content on Ittzy, whether public or private, is appropriately moderated using our safety and content filters.


Link back to Ittzy when you post your Ittzy content elsewhere.


Ittzy makes it possible to post content hosted on Ittzy to other websites. Pages on other websites that display content hosted on Ittzy  must provide a link from each photo or video back to its page on Ittzy


Enjoy ittzy.com!


This is your community. Treasure and Embrace it. Celebrate your creativity and others’ and share what's important to you. Explore the world through others' eyes; participate, find your muse, and broaden your horizons!




Here's the deal: We like to give second chances. However, if we find you crossing any of the lines listed below, we will take action, which may mean deleting your account with or without warning.



Don't forget to moderate your content


Set the appropriate content filters for your images and videos. In general, anything containing mature content (e.g. nudity, gore) needs to be moderated appropriately. This includes your buddy icon and cover photo. Also, sexually explicit videos (e.g. pornography) are not permitted. 


Don’t harm children


To say that Ittzy has a zero tolerance policy towards harmful content involving children and minors would be an understatement. In protecting children from criminal predators, bullies or paedophiles, particularly in crimes involving child sexual abuse or neglect, we will aggressively report and cooperate with law enforcement with the goal of prosecuting to the full extent of the law. This includes, but is not limited to, images, videos, comments, and other communications. So never post, save or send nude or sexual content involving anyone under the age of 18 – even of yourself. Never ask a child or minor to send explicit imagery, videos or content.




Don't be that guy. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not – this includes your friends, celebrities, brands or other organisations – or attempt to mislead people about who you are; or your account will be deleted. 


Never upload content that is illegal or prohibited.


Never use Ittzy for any illegal activities — including to buy or sell illegal drugs, contraband, counterfeit goods, or illegal weapons. This includes but is not limited to drug use and terrorism. Accounts of those found indulging in such actions will be deleted and we will take appropriate action, which may include reporting you to law enforcement.


It’s not OK to harass other Users


Ittzy is not a venue for you to harass, abuse, spam, impersonate, or intimidate others. So, be polite and respectful in your interactions with other users.


Don’t violate users’ privacy and 

Never share members’ private information 


Ittzy has a zero tolerance policy towards distributing personal information and pornographic or sexually graphic images of another person 




Love yourself…Respect yourself…

Love others…Respect others…

You are not allowed to use Ittzy for (i) Cyberbullying (ii) Cyberstalking (iii) Cyberharassment or (iv) Trolling of any member, User or individual. We take these offenses seriously. Violation of any of these, may, at Ittzy’ssole discretion, result in removal of the incriminating content and/or termination of your Ittzy account.


Hate speech, images and videos are strictly forbidden.


Ittzy group based on, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, disease, age, sexual orientation, disability, gender, or gender identity. Keep in mind we are all equal and have equal rights.


Violent Extremist, Terrorist, Criminal organizations policy

Terrorist organizations, violent extremist groups, gangs or other criminal organizations that intend to encourage, advance or commit terrorist or violent criminal activities are prohibited from using Ittzy to promote any of their campaigns or plans, glorify their violent acts, fundraise, or recruit young people.


Never promote or encourage self-harm.


Promoting self-harm, suicide, or eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, and encouraging others to do things that might cause them to get hurt is not done and unacceptable. Take care of not only yours’, but also others’ wellbeing.



Be cool, Don’tbe a spammer


Spam is never OK, period. This includes, but is not limited to, excessive favoriting, excessive commenting, deceptive tagging, fake profiles, deceptive photo titles and descriptions, or resource abuse.



Bottom Line


If you still don't agree with our Community Guidelines, as outlined above, Ittzy is not for you. We've crafted these guidelines to ensure that everyone within the Ittzy community enjoys a safe and relaxed time. If you ever have any questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you. Please feel free to drop us a line via email.


You may also want to check out our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.